Keyword Research and Deciding on the Name of Your Site

Okay, so you've decided on the product or topic you want to write about.

You'll have to perform a process called "keyword research" to help determine what people are searching for relative to your topic. You want to target "keywords" that are highly searched, yet there's not a lot of competition. This way, your webpages will have more chances of showing up on top of Google's search results.

There are software you can sign up for if you want a sophisticated way, yet with with very detailed results, of doing your keyword research (for example, Market Samurai or Jaaxy). But for starters, you can use Google Adwords Keyword Tool.

To know more about how to use this tool, here's a video that you can check out:

Now that you've done your keyword research, you can start creating your website. The first step is to create a name.

In the past, some marketers use their targeted keywords as the name of their website. This made it easier for a website to rank high on Google. But since the EMD (Exact Match Domain) update was released, websites with keyword-rich domain names no longer have the authority they had before.

That said, here are some things to bear in mind when deciding on a name for your website.

- It has to be short.
- It has to be memorable.
- It has to be professional.

Once you have a name, go ahead and create your site.

Continue reading...

- Deciding What Product to Promote
- Keyword Research and Deciding on the Name of Your Site
- Free Blogging Platform vs Self-Hosted Websites
- Top Free Blogging Platforms to Use
- How to Create a Self-Hosted Site